
book value

What is Book Value?

Book Value is an economic measure used to assess the value of an asset. It is calculated as the asset’s cost minus any accumulated depreciation, amortization and impairment. It is an indicator of the true or intrinsic value of an asset, often used to assess companies or investments.

How is Book Value Calculated?

Book Value is calculated by subtracting accumulated depreciation, amortization, and impairment from the cost of the asset. It is important to note that when determining an asset’s book value, it may not necessarily be the same as the fair market value.

Why is Book Value Important?

Book Value is important as it provides an indication of the estimated liquidation value of a company. It is a key measure for potential investors who use it as a gauge for risk-reward investments. Companies use book value to measure their financial performance and make important decisions when it comes to issuing corporate stocks, capital restructuring, and mergers and acquisitions.

Book Value in Relation to Stock Price

Book value is also an important measure of stocks. The book value of a stock is the per share value of the company’s total assets minus its total liabilities. Book value is calculated by dividing the company’s book value by the number of outstanding shares.

The book value is important to both investors and companies, as it is an indicator of the true intrinsic value of the stock, which is often different from the current market price. If the current market price of the stock is higher than the book value, this may indicate that the stock is currently trading at a premium.

Key Takeaways

  • Book Value is an economic measure used to assess the value of an asset
  • It is calculated by subtracting accumulated depreciation, amortization, and impairment from the cost of the asset
  • Book Value is important for potential investors to use as a gauge for risk-reward investments
  • The book value of a stock is the per share value of the company’s total assets minus its total liabilities


Mostafa Saady, Egyptian Software Engineer, supersonic self-learner and teacher, fond of learning and exploring new technologies and science. As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enables me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics.

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