
How to access the correct`this`inside a callback in Javascript?

How to Access the Correct `this` inside a Callback in JavaScript?

When you write JavaScript code, you may run into situations where you need to access the value of `this` from within a callback. Doing this correctly is often confusing, but it is an important skill to master. This article will explain how to properly access the correct `this` inside a callback.

Understanding what `this` is in JavaScript

In JavaScript, `this` is a keyword that references the calling context. It is automatically assigned when a function is called and is always assigned to an object. If you are unfamiliar with `this`, it is important to understand it before attempting to access it in a callback.

Creating the Context

Before you can access the `this` keyword inside a callback, you must first create the context. To do this, assign the value of `this` to a variable before calling the callback. This will ensure that the value of `this` is preserved when the callback is called.

Using the Context Inside the Callback

Once the context has been created, you can access the `this` keyword inside the callback by referencing the variable that was assigned to it. This will ensure that the correct `this` value is accessed, regardless of how or why the callback was called. Here is an example of accessing the correct `this` in a callback:

let that = this; // Assign this to a variable

someFunction(function() {
// Access the correct this inside the callback


Accessing the correct `this` keyword inside of a callback in JavaScript can be tricky. To do this correctly, you must first create the context by assigning the value of `this` to a variable before calling the callback. You can then access the `this` inside the callback by referencing the variable that was assigned to it. Mastering this technique will help you write better JavaScript code and will make debugging easier.


Mostafa Saady, Egyptian Software Engineer, supersonic self-learner and teacher, fond of learning and exploring new technologies and science. As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enables me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics.

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