
How to Resize iFrames in HTML?

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Resizing iFrames in HTML

The power of HTML lies in its richness of features, including the ability to adjust the size of an inline element such as an iFrame. In designing a website, it is sometimes necessary to resize your iFrames in HTML to ensure optimal viewing for your users, or to create a particular layout for the page.

Steps for Resizing iFrames in HTML

1. Understand iFrame Attributes:

Before you can resize an iFrame in HTML, you must understand what iFrame attributes are available and how they work. The most important attributes relate to the size of the iFrame. The attributes you will need to adjust the size are “height” and “width”.

2. Use the Height and Width Attributes:

Once you have familiarized yourself with the attributes, you can start resizing your iFrame by using the “height” and “width” attributes. These attributes can be set using either pixels or percentages. Using pixels will give you precise control over the size of the iFrame, and using percentages allows you to create a flexible size that changes with the size of the browser window.

3. Use Additional Attributes:

In addition to the “height” and “width” attributes, there are other attributes that can be used to further customize the size and appearance of your iFrame. Some of these attributes include:

  • Align: Allows you to align the iFrame to the left, right, or center of the page.
  • scrolling: Allows you to turn on or off the scrollbars in the iFrame.
  • border: Allows you to set the width of the border around the iFrame.
  • frameborder: Allows you to specify whether or not to display a border around the iFrame.
  • marginheight: Allows you to set the margin between the top and bottom of the iFrame.
  • marginwidth: Allows you to set the margin between the left and right of the iFrame.

4. Test the Resized iFrame:

Once you have set the attributes for your iFrame, you will need to test the results. You should resize your browser window to check if the iFrame resizes correctly when the window size is reduced or increased. You should also test in different browsers to make sure the results are consistent across all browsers. It is also a good idea to look at the iFrame on different devices such as phones and tablets to see how it appears on mobile devices.


In conclusion, resizing iFrames in HTML is a simple task which can be accomplished with just a few lines of code. By understanding the attributes associated with the iFrame tag and using the appropriate values, you can easily adjust the size of your iFrame to fit the needs of your website. Additionally, testing your iFrame on different devices and browsers is essential to ensure the best results.


Mostafa Saady, Egyptian Software Engineer, supersonic self-learner and teacher, fond of learning and exploring new technologies and science. As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enables me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics.

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